Hello Scout friends

Ten Riska Scouts are ready to travel to Blå Sommer – the best scout camp 2009. It will be cosy to meet you if you by any change are participating in the camp. So if you are passing our campsite at Blå Sommer, you are herby invited. Our address is:

Riska Speidergruppe, Svovlstikken, Nordbyen

To find Riska scouts look after our Swapping point, it´s easy to find so just visit us.

As you probably know we like Swapping so bring along some interesting badges.

We have our special Blå Sommer badge ready to swap, and it’s only produced in 250 pieces so don’t hesitate to visit us.

It´s composed of different elements:

  • The Blå Sommer logo
  • The boat is from our group logo
  • The swards is from our districk logo, the sward is a symbol from the  Vikings who christianised norway in a batle in the middel of our district.
  • The scout logo



This is our Special badge Kanderjam 2007 – the alpine link to the world jamboree. A very seldom badge witch we have a few left of for swapping with other hundred years of scouting badges.

By visiting us you will find out that we have been swapping fore some time. I assume that every scout in our group will bring at lest 100 badges and that we together will participate with close to 1000 different badges. At lest we will pass 1000 when leaving the camp.

We like you to leave a message in our guestbook here you will find scouts from all over the world who like to swap badges.

Yours in scouting
Carsten Bo Andersen
mobil:916 84 300
e-mail: cbascout@online.no